Friday, March 26, 2010

good qualities to be good in math

To be good in math, the top 3 qualities i think you need to be good in math is to be patient, hard working and to think abstractly.

I think that patience is the most important because if there is a difficult math question, you need to the patience to be able to try, try again. To try the different methods to figure out the answer. It may take a long time, but if you have the patience you can do it! :)
You also have to be hardworking. Math is a continuous learning passage, and if you slack off in one year, it'll only get harder and harder. You have to listen to the lessons, work hard on the homework and to work even harder if it is difficult for you.
Lastly, you need to be able to think abstractly. Sometimes there are many different ways to find the answer, and being able to think abstractly will let you check your answers to see if it is correct. This quality is very important for word questions. With word questions you have to be able to think of a way to solve it, whether it is with a specific formula, or that is takes more than one step.

Overall, i think i have to work harder on all three :) But the one i have the most difficulty is to think more abstractly. I need to be able to train my brain to put the information given to you, into a way to solve the question.

1 comment:

  1. Very good job,
    You're a clever child
    and i do agree with the patience and what you are saying.... I may possibly give you candy tommorow for doing such a good job =D
